Rift Valley Dreams

"This story moved me. It's great to see children really grateful for things we take for granted like education, and it is so sobering to see how limited their options are for their future whilst we are overwhelmed with choice. The pictures are absolutely beautiful."

Tina E.  tina@bibliotech.net  Artist, Mover and Groover.Charlton, London, England.

"Great pix. I'm moving to the Rift Valley in August, and the photos and stories really got me exicited. Thanks - jay"

Jay Bawcom  jbawcom@harding.edu  High School English Teacher/CoachSearcy, AR, USA

"Rift Valley Dreams is a lovely and moving small story, well told.It certainly made me appreciate all that we have here in the US. The words really bolster the photos and add a special dimension. I also loved hearing the audio clips, especially the girls' own words. Nice work, and the layout of the web pages is beautifully done. Only one criticism: slightly larger type would ease readability."

Patrick Downs  patrick.downs@latimes.com  Photographer/Photo EditorUS