Please take a moment to comment on the 2001 Inauguration , the Presidential Election of 2000, or the current administration:

Forum Comments:

i'm still not happy about it.

- geralyn    4/17/01

"In fact, a comprehensive review of 64,248 ballots in all 67 Florida counties by The Herald and its parent company, Knight Ridder, in partnership with USA Today, found that Bush's slender margin of 537 votes would have tripled to 1,665 votes under the generous counting standards advocated by Democrat Al Gore."

- from the Miami Herald, April 4, 2001

- John Beaucamp    4/7/01

The final count in Fla gave Gore the election. Even without this, he won the popular vote. The idea he lost is factually erronous. A study of people about factual knowledge of an issue, proved interesting. Asked about their knowledge of issues, Conservatives who got their information mainly thru talk shows and pundits like Rush, stated they KNEW the facts. But, when tested on knowledge, they were in fact the least knowledgeable. They got their cockeyed vision and biased facts from limited sources, that were invalid.

Is this YOU?

Bush is not moral, nor ethical. Look at his actions. Morality isn't evading your obligations as Bush Jr did after college, by evading the military service most young men faced, and AlGore voluntered for. That is MORAL ETHICS.

Bush has failed in every business attempt. He did not raise education in Texas. He did not make ANY area of life better.

His lies to America about his compassion, not for third world women who have too many kids and can't care for them, that was a low blow. He does not care for the environment. Arsenic in water? No problem. Global warming? No problem.
EVERY act is to make money.
Or force religious agenda on everyone else.

He is not a virtuous person. He is small minded and average intelligence, but he had money and power and conections, and that can get you anywhere.

Add stupid americans, and voila, democracy is not democratic, unless you're in the top tax bracket.

Facts are FACTS.

- d dixon woodall    3/31/01

Well, I guess everyone now see who bush ewally represents. First thing to go will be ALASKA, The special interest petroleum industry, next the wonderful forests to the lumber industry. Finallt, the surplus that has been built over the last eight years. But what can one expect from someone who stole the election, honestl? I think not!

- william lartigue    3/29/01

What a start! In less than three months a person who was not elected has started to trash environmental policy. Glad I don't live close to the ocean.

- Norvelle Couch    3/29/01

Journal-E's comment about the last election "not being clear cut" shows someone is misinformed. While it was indeed close, even with electoral votes, it was found after an independent survey that even if Gore counted the illegal or questionable ballots, Bush would have gotten the majority vote that would give him a small edge in Florida. So, Democrats, quit spinning and start reforming and repenting - you're shennigans are getting old and the public is starting to get wiser - including Democrat constituents. Now that the disgraceful election is over, let's get to the business of reforming the government into a more manageable system with a fair tax system. Tax cuts will pay back the overpayment of Americans if the Congress gives ALL taxpayers return on their money. But the big problem is the tax system itself. It's time to repeal the 16th Amendment, which is unconstitutional because it is not only a direct tax but takes away the liberty of an individual's right to do with their earned income as they see fit. It's time for the government, Repubs and Dems to stop useless legislation, pork barrel nonsense and tighten their own belts for a change instead of continually asking the American people to pay for their extravagent spending nature.

- Keith A. Lehman    3/28/01

I'm so glad the best man won even if it was close. Next time it won't be so, Bush will win big because of his integrity and wisdom.

- Damon Loomis    3/28/01

I think the last election was a joke. Since there was so much suspicion about the Florida vote, there should have been a recount. This would have been more fair to both Bush and Gore. I'll never feel that Bush is the truly elected President.
I don't like most of Bush's policies especially towards the environment and social security. When I heard he was definitely going to be the next president, I saw a huge black cloud descend on America and I still feel the same. Gore would have been the better president. I hope he tries again.

- Kim Angevine    3/28/01

If I was George W. Bush I would be ashamed to show my face in public. He was not elected - he was appointed by the US Supreme Court! He governs with no legitimacy and only "politics as usual" allows him to be in Washington, DC interacting with all of those special fronts - the Congress and Senate of the United States. I trust someone will arise (just as did Bill Clinton) to take the government back for the people to run - for better or for worse. At least we would be represented rather than Big Oil and Energy and all of those Fat Cats who are the real recipients of Public Welfare. We wuz robbed!

- Tomm Carroll    3/28/01

I think WE SHOULD have a revote, and I can,t waite for the next Election! Clinton was a alle cat, but did a good job and the first thing Bush did was take SOCIAL SECURITY, money I will never TRUST him.

- Sethie Pitt    3/28/01

The election of '2000 was a sham and so was the subsequent inauguration. We should have a nationwide revote.

- Richard Helwig    3/27/01
