 by Jenni

    I grew up in California and as a child I didn't have a father. I had a mother who supported nine children and worked two jobs just to take care of us. In 1993 I moved to a new town thinking I wont get in fights and I would stay out of trouble. I was a child full of hate, anger, rejection and full of bitterness. In 1995 I went to a christian church called the Potter's House. I remember walking in and I was very stubborn, because I use to go to churches looking for answers in life wanting to change. I would go to church and come out happy only for 10 minutes and I was never changed. In Feb 1995 something happened. I remember the Pastor saying if I were to die were would I go. I knew I was headed to hell, I wasn't on drugs, gangster and a murder I was just a little girl full of anger and hatred.

    The Bible says "...that our sin separates us from the love of God". I remember not praying that day,but I kept going to church and I can tell you all I told God is that I wanted to be happy and I wanted him to forgive me. In three months my life was changed!!! It's been six years and I don't regret giving my life to Jesus Christ. He has change me, now I'm married to an awesome man of God. When girls body parts are hanging out my husband doesn't stare nor slobbers for their bodies. Even in my bad day I can smile. I just found out my mother had cancer, but I'm not depressed nor sad I have peace in my heart. We prayed for my mother and the CANCER is gone. God moves in ways that seem impossible to man. I thank God that he is faithful and that he died for all our sins. He didn't have to die, but he made a choice to die. Like you and me we have a choice. Who will you live for God or the world (devil) I can tell you with God their is hope, peace and real joy. God is the bomb and I'm greatful that God offers hope in this jacked up world. Jesus Christ is coming soon, so it's time to get your hearts right and see what God can do in your life. He loves you and he wants to live in your heart and be apart of your life. Like I said it's a choice. If you die were are you going? Heaven or hell it's your choice.

    God is a God that will forgive no matter what it is. God loves us and hates our sin not you. The bible says " if you confess your sin God is faithful to forgive you of your sin" Well that's my life changing story. I hope you open up your heart to God and allow him to blow your mind like he did mine. Everyday I see friends and family in a divorce, suicide or something bad and to think I could be in there shoes, but I have God I have hope and peace. God wants the same for you.



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